Quiero iniciar una carrera musical o quiza una carrera basada en el cine y la actuacion.
Desde pequena me interesan todas estas actividades y me encantaria exponer en mi blog las canciones que compongo y sus videos musicales, pero antes subire videos de canciones de artistas famosos de diferentes generos de musica, tambien videos de comedia, de baile, de manuaalidades, etc.
Espero que me sigan en mi blog y que comenten y le den un "like" a lo que publico. Estoy segura de que les gustara mucho mi paguina recreativa.
entre cosas o situciones que pasan en lTambien comentare temas o los variare mucho como el tema de la adolescencia, el famoso o tipico bullying, a vida cotidiana.
Subire videos con respecto a eso.
Tambien hablare temas de deportes, de belleza, y articulos o peliculas de moda y subire videos con respecto a eso. Asi que no se despeguen de mi blog su manual a la actualizacion de novedades y modernismo.
(English version)
Hey guys, my name is Gloriana and I'll tell you a little about myself. I love to sing, dance, act, laugh, sleep, write, play sports and draw.
I want to start a music career or maybe a career based on films and acting.
Since I was small I love these activities and I love to exhibit on my blog the songs that I compose and his music videos, but before I'll upload videos of songs by famous artists from different genres of music, also videos of comedy, dance, crafts, etc.
I hope you will enjoy my blog and don't forget to comment on it and don't forget to do "like" on the pictures and videos. Do not hesitate to subscribe.
Also I will comment threads or I will vary much as the theme of adolescence, the famous or typical bullying,
or daily life.
I'll upload videos about it.
Well first of all I'm going to explain something, I speak Spanish, but I know how to speak English and 4 more languages, but no as well as I speak Spanish and I apologize if I do not write something good for the same "problem". Also I'm going to post only in English and Spanish.
Well, Also I'm going to speak about sports issues, beauty and fashion articles or films and will upload videos about it. So you do not move of my blog I also post about a manual update of news and modernism.
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